Thirukazhukundram Arulmigu Vedhagiriswarar Hill Temple is one of the famous shiva temple in Tamil Nadu, Sacred to Worshippers of God Vedhagiriswarar (shiva). It Lies 14 Kilometer to South east of the town Chengalpattu,17 Kilometer to the west of Mamallapuram in Chengalpattu District along the sea shore,and 70 Kilometer from Chennai.The Thirukalukundram Vedhagiriswarar Temple is one of the 274 Thevaram Padal Petra Sthalams of Lord Shiva. In thirukazhukundram Temple God Name is Shree Vedhagiriswarar and Amman name is Shree Thiripurasundari Amman,God Vedhagiriswarar and Thiripurasundari Amman is a swayambu in this Tirukazhukundram temple.Thiripura sundari Amman is Ashta gantha were made of eight kinds of perfume.Only during the three days of year in Aadi Uthiram,Panguni Uthiram, Navami in Navrathri, The whole anointed, On the other day’s, poojai is taking place only at the Thiripurasundari Amman’s feet. The Thirukalukundram Vedhagiriswarar Hills temple covers an area of about 264 Acres, pilgrims go round the hill both at sunrise and sunset.thirukalukundram temple hill steps is 565 It is upon the height hill of the range that a massive temple has been consecrated to Vedhagiriwara. Situated in North portion of it which is known as the Atharvana Peak, Abounds in various powerfull medicinal herbs. The gentle wind that blows softly across the green -clad sides of the hill carries with it the aroma of these medicinal herbs and many a despairing pilgrim feels his strenth revive and health return. It is no wonder that, at tha Sanjivi Ghat, the circumambulating pilgrims stop to drink in the pure air with joyous countenance, nor is it a matter for astonishment that they stay with delight for more than the prescribed period of a MANDALAM in sacred village.
Thirukazhukundram is famous place of piligrims and famous shiva temple in india. Another popular name this holy place is Pakshi Theertham.thirukalukundram temple is the North Indians are called Pakshi Theertham The skantha puranas gives the site of thirukazhukundram as about yojana (ten miles) west of Mahodadi (bay of Bengal) and about half yojana north of the palar river ans as comprising an area of five square yojanas, lying in the form of girdle, the center of which is the hill where the temple has been consecrated to vedhagiriswarar. The Thirukalukundram temple hill is said to be one of the peaks of mount kailasa which, with two others, was transported to south india aeons ago by the mercy of god kaalahasti in chithoor district and srisailam in karnool district, claim the two other peaks of kailasa among their dearest posssessions.
The tract of country in which thirukazhukundram is situated is known in comparatively modern times as a part of thondai mandalam, which was one of the main provinces of the Tamil country. Thondi mandalam was bounded on the north by Kalahasthi ; on the east by the Bay of Bengal ; on the south by the river pennar ; and on the west by Thiruvannamalai. It consists of Twenty four kootams or divisions, of which the kootam in which thirukazhukundram is situated was known as kalathur kottam.
The Spectable of two eagles arriving at the Vedhagiriswarar Hill Temple at 11.30 AM Daily, and taking cooked sacharine food and ghee from the hand of a pandaram is indeed wonderful ans inspiring.It is belived that, twele years once there is a meeting of the Goddnesses of the chief rivers of India at Sangutheertham tank,and in conformity which this belief, a festival known as the SANGU THEERTHA PUSHKARAM is celebrated in this Thirukazhukundram Temple.
Sage Markandeya Visited this Thirukalukundram Temple place, he performed his puja on the banks of this tank.Finding no conch to perform the Abishekam, and having none with him, he created one by his Yogic power and took it form the waters of this tank. The place where he performed this SANGU PUJA is now marked by a shirne, the deity of which is known as Markandesvara or Tirtesvara. They say that Markandeya, when leaving this place, prayed that conch shells, similar to the one he had created, might be found in the tank so as to be usefull to other Worshippers. Conch shells are sometime seen Floating in the tank and are collected. The occasions on which they were gathered were July 18 1908, June 26 1919, 1939, 1952, 1976, 1988, 1999, Auguest 2011.
The Thirumalai Pournami Grivalam is very special in the thirukazhukundram Vedhagiriswarar temple.Girivalam was started by Nalvar(Appar-Suntharar-manikavasakar-Thirunavukarasar) who wanted to receive the blessings of Vedhagiriswarar.Thirukalukundram Girivalam is very special here before Thiruvannamalai. special to Come on Tuesday girivalam and worship Vedhagriswarar.Thirukalukundram Arulmigu Vedhagiriswarar temple is very famous Shiva temple in Tamilnadu.This Thirukalukundram Temple is also known as pakshi theertham
திருக்கழுக்குன்றம் (Thirukazhukundram) நான்கு வேதங்களே நான்கு உச்சிகளாகக் கொண்ட மலையாக அமைந்துள்ள இடம். இங்கு வேதகிரிஸ்வரர்(Vadhagiriswarar) சுயம்பு மூர்த்தியாக அருள்பாலிக்கிறார். இந்த அதர்வண வேதமலை உச்சி மீது சுயம்பு உருவில் (தானாக மணலால் தோன்றியது) அமைந்த லிங்க ரூபம், காலத்தாலும் அபிஷேகம், பூஜை மற்றும் நீராலும் கரையாமல் இருக்க கவசம் அளிக்கப்பட்ட திருவுருவம், மலை மீது அமைந்த இறைவனுக்கு மலைக்கொழுந்து என்ற திருநாமமும் உண்டு. வேதகிரீஸ்வரர் கோயில் (Thirukalukundram Temple) திருநாவுக்கரசர், சுந்தரர், திருஞானசம்பந்தர், மாணிக்கவாசகர் ஆகிய சைவ சமயக் குரவர்கள் நால்வரால் தேவாரம் பாடல் பெற்ற சிவாலயமாகும். இத்திருமலையில் (Thirukalukundram Temple) நாள்தோறும் உச்சிப்பொழுதில் கழுகு வந்து உணவு பெற்றுச் செல்லுவதால் இதற்கு 'பட்சிதீர்த்தம்' (pakshi theertham)என்றும், திருக்கழுக்குன்றம் (Thirukazhukundram) என்றும் பெயராயிற்று. வேதகிரீஸ்வரர் திருக்கோயிலின் (Thirukalukundram Temple) கருவறைக்கு எதிரில் இருக்கும் நந்தி இங்கில்லாமல் இருப்பதும் வேதகிரிஸ்வரர் திருமலையை சுற்றி நந்தி பகவான் ஈசனை நோக்கி இருப்பதும் மிகவும் சிறப்பு வாய்ந்ததாகும். 12 வருடத்திற்கு ஒரு முறை கன்னி லக்னத்தில்(Kanni Raasi) குரு பிரவேசிக்கும் காலத்தில் லட்ச தீப விழா (latcha deepam) நடைபெறும். புஷ்பகர மேளா மிகப் பெரிய புகழ் பெற்றது. 12 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு ஒருமுறை சங்கு பிறக்கும் அதிசயமான தீர்த்தம். இன்றும் இந்த அதிசயம் தொடர்ந்து கொண்டிருக்கிறது. இது மூலிகை கலந்த தடாகம்(Sangutheertham) என்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.
திருக்கழுக்குன்றம் அருள்மிகு வேதகிரிஸ்வரர் திருக்கோவில் கன்னி ராசிக்காண பரிகார ஸ்தலமாகவும் விளங்குகிறது.